Gun Sparring™ featured on Erik Hein Academy Podcast Channel

Setcan® is honored to be on the Erik Hein Academy Podcast to discuss the new Gun Sparring™ Instructor Course being launched in 2024.

Gun Sparring™ is an Ecological Dynamics Approach to law enforcement handgun training. This revolutionary approach will forever change how officers prepare for an actual gun battle. The podcast provides a great overview of the course with lots of training videos for emphasis. Thanks again to Erik for being an incredible host and positive advocate on improving police training worldwide!

Erik Hein Academy YouTube channel:

Thanks to all that attended our class in
St, Louis, MO on March 18th, 2024

To express interest in this course, including hosting, please visit our Course Calendar for more information or contact:
Toll Free: 1-866-353-5055
Ph: (204) 336-0011